Internal edge/External edge - customize color and shape of edges. At the moment our QR code creator supports following shapes: circle, cushion, default, diamond, dots, heavyround, leaf, left_eye, right_eye, shield, sieve,star.
Element - customize color and shape of element. There are 7 shape's possibilities like: arrow, circle, default, heavyround, lightround, sieve.
Correction - set appropriate level of correction choosing from : EC 7%, EC 15 %, EC 25% , EC 30% . Generally if level is greater, then there is more probability, that your QR Code is scanned correctly by your audience. If you plan to create QR code with logo, chosen correction EC 30% is much better than EC 7%. Greater correction level means also that there are more elements on the QR code's surface.
Playing with color and shape gives you extremely huge amount of possibilities. Dark elements and edges are better scanned by scanners. There is this same story with shapes. So default black element and edge usually don't need high error's correction.
Size - There are 5 possible sizes of your QR Code : 350px , 300px, 250px. 200px, 150px . In all cases our generator, creates rectangles, so 350px means that your code has 350 pixels height and 350 pixels width.
Icon checkbox - enable/ disable logo embedding.
IconSet/Icon - You have more than 100 possibilities here:) Enjoy social media and basic icons for SMS, Email, Link, WIFI, GPS and more. All icons used by our site are described in QR Code logo , you have several sections there. I have tried to use free icons.
Transparency - is related to the icon, embedded in the middle of QR Code. 1 - means no logo, since 0 no icon transparency. I think that 0.1 is a good choice:)
There are 3 possible size of icons : 32px , 48px , 64px. We have this same story like in size. In all cases our generator embeds rectangle icon - so 32px means icon which is - 32 pixel width and 32 pixel height.
Type - define the type of your QR Code - Choice from Link, Text, Telephone, Sms, Email, WIFI, VCard, GoogleMap.
Finally Generate QR Code button is most important for you, you should scan every time the code, you generated! Generator gives you millions of possibilities and not all of them are functional. Our creator generates also an link to your code. You can access QR Code every time you want, you can even link it in your web or blog.
This generator is totally free, thus there is not guaranty, that everything works for you. I am developing this web as my hobby in a free time. I am not also the native speaker, so for some people this page can be extremely strange...
Likes are welcome, translations are welcome, this shows me that my web is useful and I am not so totally stupid to invest my time and some money in to QrCodeGo. If you are interested in translation, pls contact me via contact form or qrcode[dot]go[at]gmail.